We will be collecting non-perishable food items for CCAP each week at SJ! When you do your grocery shopping, please pick up an extra can or box for CCAP, and bring it to the church the following Sunday.
We will be gathering items and assembling easter baskets for CCAP to distribute to needy children in the community and collecting $5 value gift cards from Walmart or Target. Items need for the Easter baskets are small toys, books, puzzles and individually wrapped candy. (No grass is needed). Monetary donations are also accepted. Our goal is to assemble 30 baskets by April 6th. Please see Linda Allamong or Linda Riddle for the Easter baskets or Greg Heidel or any member of the Outreach Team for the gift cards!
We will be collecting non-perishable food items for CCAP each week at SJ! When you do your grocery shopping, please pick up an extra can or box for CCAP, and bring it to the church the following Sunday.
On Sunday, March 30th at SJ, we will be celebrating Holy Baptism for 1 of our youth, First Communion for 7 children, and accepting new members during worship. Please just let Pastor Sonya know if you're interested. Additionally, in honor of our newly baptized, first communicants and new members, we will have a covered dish luncheon that Sunday in their honor. We hope you will join us and share a covered dish to welcome our newly baptized & communing members in famous St John's hospitality and warmth!
September 2024
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