We are in need of palms for the altar and palm fronds to wave as the youth march around the sanctuary. If you can supply any of these, please sign the Help sheet.
During the month of April, we will be collecting books, headphones and earbuds for the Indian Hollow Elementary School. Please visit our Outreach Projects web page for additional Details and updates.
St. John's will have an Easter egg hunt on Sunday, April 10, 2022 (Palm Sunday) after worship! (yay!) We will need pre-wrapped candy and/or small toys to fill the eggs. If you would like to help fill some eggs, please see or email Sarah Murphy. Please bring donations to church by Sunday, April 3, 2022 so eggs may be filled and any extra items needed purchased prior to the April 10, 2022 egg hunt. Watch your bulletins for more details! Thank you!
St. John’s has a “good faith” scholarship fund for members to help them with post-secondary education and/or trade school.
Some have asked what’s required to apply! Here’s the criteria for applying: must be a member, attend worship regularly, active participation in our church life, such as acolyte, crucifer, worship assistant, Sunday School, Confirmation, choir, youth group, etc., and other ways you share God’s gifts in the community. Applications will be available April 1 – 30, 2022 (late applications are not accepted) If you have any questions or would like to obtain an application, please see or email Tina Clutter, Laura Saville or Pastor Sonya. There will be a special called congregation meeting on Sunday, April 24, 2022, immediately following worship. The agenda will include selecting and voting on trustees, a cemetery update, approve 2022 priorities, parsonage repairs, building/property requirements, and empowering teams. We need a quorum so please mark your calendar. Thank you!
January 2025
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