Sunday, April 9, 2017 - Palm Sunday Service - 11 a.m. - Easter Egg Hunt immediately following service (outside weather permitting)
Thursday, April 13, 2017 - 7 p.m. - Maunday Thursday Service at Gravel Springs
Friday, April 14, 2017 - 7 p.m. - Good Friday Service at St. John's
There will be no Mocha and a Message this month. The next scheduled Mocha and a Message will be in May.
Sunday, April 16, 2017 - Easter Sunday Service - 11:00 a.m. (Rain date for Easter Egg hunt - event will immediately follow service)
Sunday, April 30, 2017 - 11 a.m. - Bring a Friend to worship (Fifth Sunday luncheon will immediately follow service. The church will provide the chicken; please bring a covered dish to share.)
Sunday, April 30, 2017 - Final day to submit scholarship applications (late applications will not be accepted.) Contacts are Missy Himelright, Kim Eckley, Tina Clutter, and Pastor Sonya.
SJ April Outreach
We collected 385 books and $56 for the Indian Hollow Elementary School’s summer reading program (known as Trading Post Summer Program). Nancy will contact the librarian to find out if they want more books purchased with the money or if they need it to buy more totes to haul the books in. Great job everyone.
Our April Outreach project is collecting books for Indian Hollow Elementary School's summer reading program (known as the Trading Post Summer Program). Books may be new, gently used or, if you prefer, you can make a donation - Please see Nancy Pitcock. The youth will collect your books during the Offering or you can drop them in the crate located beside the CCAP can.
Lent Walk for our Community - Update
Last Call as We Would Like to Close this Out - Thank you!
Pastor Sonya thanks all who pledged to support the 200 mile walk/run/jog over Lent. She finished with 210 miles. It looks like ~ $1,475 was pledged ($465 from GS and $1,010 from SJ).
All donations will be split equally between the Forwarding Faith fund and the Discretionary fund. The Forwarding Faith fund is a VA synod initiative that supports faith formation for our youth. The Discretionary Fund supports those in need in our community with oil, electric, grocery, prescription, and other financial help. Please make checks payable to the church, put “Lent walk” on the memo line, and put in the offering plate. Thank you for supporting our community!!!
291 food items were collected for CCAP this month. Thank you for all of your donations.