Sunday, Jun 4, 2017 – 11 a.m. - Worship with Holy Communion with Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation for Cassidy Whalen)
We give great thanks for the affirmation of baptism of Cassidy Irina Whalen on June 4, 2017, who completed her confirmation instruction and was confirmed as an adult member. Cassidy is the daughter of Mike and Corinne Whalen.
June 5, 2017 – 7 p.m. - Outreach Team meeting
June 9, 2017 - June 11, 2017 - Synod Assembly at Roanoke College
June 11, 2017 - Faith Discussion on Stewardship at SJ after worship – all are welcome!
June 12-15, 2017 - Pastor Sonya will be on vacation from June 12th through June 15th. If you have an emergency during this time, please contact Steve Allamong.
Saturday, June 17, 2017 - 6 p.m. - Mocha and a Message. After Mocha and a Message, we’ll have Bingo, refreshments, prizes and fun! All are welcome!
Bingo after Mocha – your help is needed! ~ Beginning in June, we will have Bingo after our Mocha worship each month. We are looking for handcrafted prizes so if you have a special talent and are willing to donate a hand-made item for a Bingo prize, it would be greatly appreciated. Please let Pastor Sonya know if you can help out. Thank you!
Sunday, June 25, 2017 - 11 a.m. - Youth Sunday. The theme will be "The 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther's Reformation, Then and Now".

Sunday June 25, 2017 – Everyone is invited to stay after service on Sunday at St. John's to enjoy an ice cream social!
SJ June Outreach

Update: Thanks to the generosity of our church family, we collected a total of 1,042 diapers and 2,236 wipes for the Red Wagon Ministries. Thank you for your support.
We are collecting diapers and wipes for the Red Wagon Ministry for our community outreach project in June. By providing these basic necessities, the ministry’s hope is to decrease the incidents of abuse and neglect resulting from a child remaining in a soiled or reused disposable diaper. Along with wipes, we would like to collect Infant to size six (6) diapers. As a fun way to celebrate our project, each week we will display baby pictures from our congregation. Everyone can look at the pictures and guess who that cute baby face belongs to. If you would like to submit a picture, please bring it to Amy Maphis or e-mail [email protected]