Letter from Joint Council regarding suspending worship/church events
On behalf of the Joint Council, we write to notify you of the continued suspension of services. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the safety of our members, guidelines from the State and CDC and the synod recommendation, we are cancelling our regular worship services, in-person meetings and other church activities now until May 17, 2020. However, online worship services will be offered at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings and also during Holy Week at 7:00 p.m. We’ll have an Easter sunrise service, virtual, at 6:30 a.m. on Sunday April 12, 2020. Watch Prayer Chain, Daily Devotions and phone tree for logistical information.
If you have an emergency or need something that you can’t get out to get (groceries, prescriptions, etc), please let Pastor Sonya know. We have folks willing in both congregations to help out.
Because our expenses continue whether we worship together or not, we ask that you prayerfully continue to tithe weekly or give on-line via our website (SJ only for online giving.) You can mail offerings to the church as mail will be checked weekly:
Gravel Springs
PO Box 116
Star Tannery, VA 22654
St John’s
3623 Back Mountain Rd
Winchester, VA 22602
Prayer Chain and Daily Devotions will continue to be distributed. Pastoral visits will be for emergencies only.
Remember to wash your hands frequently and refrain from touching your face. Please take precautions and stay well.
Thank you,
Steve Allamong, Joint Council President
Jack Colvin, Joint Council Vice President