Help us Provide Lunches and other items to the Lutheran Family Services of Virginia (LFS) sponsored Winchester/Frederick County Therapeutic Day Treatment Program—Summer 2018—by donating cash, check, Walmart gift cards or other items for Lutheran Family Services summer lunch program. Checks should be made payable to “St. John’s Lutheran Church” (just write “lunch program” in the memo). You may also provide the following: basketballs, footballs, tennis balls, school glue (white), disposable gloves, pasta (different shapes & sizes), construction paper, painters tape x2, masking tape, poster boards, yarn, paper plates, paper cups, small envelopes, popsicle sticks, empty match boxes, newspapers, old magazines, etc. You may also click here to see the wish/need list. Please contact Sue Goodwin with any questions. The Acolyte will collect Walmart gift cards, cash and checks during the offering using the white wooden box.
Update: Thanks to the generosity of our church family, we were able to donate the following to the Lutheran Family Services of Virginia (LFS) sponsored Winchester/Frederick County Therapeutic Day Treatment Program—Summer 2018:
- One (1) street ball
- One (1) soccer ball
- Six (6) footballs
- Six (6) basketballs
- 30 tennis balls
- 13 bottles of glue
- Two (2) boxes of small envelopes
- 200 – four (4) packs/sheets, 120 – four (4) packs/sheets and 36 – six (6) packs/sheets of construction paper
- Seven (7) rolls of tape
- 80 clear plastic cups
- 60 – six (6) packs of Dixie cups
- 460 paper plates
- One (1) box of Kleenex
- One (1) roll of paper towels
- One (1) box of latex gloves
- 11 boxes of macaroni and pasta shapes
- Six (6) skeins of yarn
- 11 packs of popsicle sticks
- $349.62 which includes two (2) ten dollar ($10) Wal-Mart gift cards
Thank you so much for your generosity.