Advent is always a season in which the Church waits and hopes, and at Power in the Spirit Online, we’ll explore how Advent can guide our hopes and expectations for life in a post-pandemic world. The Rev. Cathy Mims, Pastor of First Norfolk and Coaching Coordinator for the Coaching Ministry of the Virginia Synod, will be on hand to help us ask the right questions. In addition to this timely topic, you can expect to see old friends, make new connections, and enjoy the fellowship of the Power in the Spirit community. If you sign up to attend Power in the Spirit Online, you can also expect:
·A daily devotional to arrive in your email each morning, Sunday through Thursday. Here you’ll receive readings, brief videos, and guides for at-home arts and crafts.
·An invitation to daily Zoom workshops, from 6:15 PM to 7:25 PM, Sunday through Thursday. Listen to presenters from across our Virginia Synod share from their areas of expertise. Sign up for the sessions that interest you most!
·A closing vespers service at 7:30 PM, live and online, under the leadership of George Donovan, Director of Music for Bethel, Winchester. Each weeknight you’ll participate in different ways of worship, even while physically apart.
Registration is easy! First, review the schedule and workshop topics by clicking here -
Then, visit the registration page here - Meeting Registration - Zoom. Be sure to select your preferred workshops!
There is no fee to attend, but we do suggest a to the Virginia Synod’s Power in the Spirit fund. One-hundred percent of donations will go to support our neighbors in the Islands District of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea. Click here to visit the VA Synod's giving page - Donation ( Please give as the Spirit leads you!
Registration is open now! I hope to see you for Power in the Spirit Online: July 11-15, 2021!