Silent Auction to benefit St. John's Lutheran Church's Steeple Fund
We are having a silent auction to benefit the St. John’s steeple fund. The auction will start July 29, 2018 and will continue through September 15, 2018 in the social hall. Don’t hesitate to come view the items which are located in the social hall. Please contact either Laura Saville or Tina Clutter with any questions you may have. Thanks so much for your support! Please click here to see the flyer which lists just a few of the items that are available.
Neighbor in Need

St. John’s has a local neighbor in need who has mounting medical expenses stemming from a recent illness, and he has no health insurance. St. John’s is doing a collection to help offset some of his medical bills. If you would like to contribute, please make your check payable to St. John's and put “Medical bill outreach” in the memo line and place it in the offering plate. Please see any Council member with any questions you may have. Thank you!