Please join us this Lent as we discover the treasure of God's love! We'll use this treasure map to get to our greatest treasure as well as receive small tokens of faith to help us with this journey!
Our first token of faith is baby Jesus in a manger. This symbolizes that our lives begin when we're baptized in Jesus Christ. He's the greatest treasure that God gave us.
Our next token of faith is a reusable bag with the words “Let’s Love”. On this bag you will find a quote from Mother Teresa which invites us to “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”
Since the greatest treasure that we’ve received is Jesus Christ and his undying love, we should pay it forward in our actions with and treatment of others. Whether it’s something we do, say or just a hug – do it from the heart as Christ would do. You never know what this person may be going through or what they’ve just gone through. You may provide just what that person needed without even knowing it.
Our next token of faith is a bottle of water with a label which states “Jesus - Never be Thirsty Again”.
When we drink a bottle of water, ultimately we will be thirsty again. Just as when we attempt to go it on our own, we will once again be lacking. Jesus uses water as a parable and as a saving grace. The saving grace is when we’re baptized with the water, we’re given the gift of God’s undying love. When we are weak, he is strong, when we are burdened, he will be there to share the load, when we are down, he will be there to lift us up. All we have to do is remember to “Let Go and Let God”. We may have trouble with this and take it back several times, but all we have to do is remember God’s got this not me. All we have to do is ask. Only Jesus can satisfy – nothing on this earth can satisfy – only Christ Jesus.
Our next token of faith is a hand crocheted cross.
Jesus died on the cross for us. As we look at this cross or any cross for that matter, let it be a reminder to nurture our relationship with Christ. Let us try to see others as Christ sees us – try to look at what’s in people’s hearts, not what we see on the outside. Judge not, lest you be judged.
Our next tokens of faith are two coins – one gold and one silver.
During the service yesterday, we were given two coins. The first was gold (or so it appeared). We were then told to remove the wrapper from the gold coin. After doing so, we then discovered that the gold coin was actually a piece of chocolate in a gold wrapper. Then, we were instructed to eat the chocolate. After doing so, we were asked, what do you have? The answer was - nothing.
Next we were given a silver coin. On the front of the coin there is a cross with the words “God Loves You”. Around the edge of the coin it says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son”. On the back of the coin it says, “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9. (Click on photos below for clearer picture of tokens).
The second coin is to remind us that we are not of this earth, neither is it our permanent home. When we look at this coin, remember that God loves us unconditionally. Instead of spending money and time on things that we can’t take with us, look for ways to help others whether it be donating our time, donating money to those less fortunate, talking to a friend or even a stranger who looks like they could use some company, paying for a meal for the next person in line at the McDonald’s drive through, etc. It goes on and on. This is how we truly build up our eternal treasure – being a true disciple of Christ.